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WP3 Multi-wavelength solar image processing for novel SSI proxies


1) EUV image segmentation

Figure 1: The left panel shows the segmentation as an overlay on the original EIT 171 Å image recorded on 2 May 1999 at 19:00:15. The right panel shows the segmentation map produced with the center values derived from SOLMOD.



Figure 2: Area coverages for the six classes spanning the period March 1996–December 2012 for the EIT 171 Å bandpass (top left panel) and the EIT 195 Å bandpass (top right panel). The extent on the y-axis gives the area coverage for the corresponding class, with the six features summing to one. The classes are displayed from bottom to top in order of increased intensity values, from the coronal holes (Class 1, CH) up to the brightest part of an active region (Class 6, AR3). The bottom panels show a zoom-in of the area coverage of the coronal holes. The data gaps in the EIT and SEM data are due to the SOHO vacation in summer and fall of 1998 (see Haberreiter et al., 2014).

Further Reading


2) Image segmentation with the ASAP tool



Figure 3: The left panels shows the original MDI intensitygram (top) and magnetogram (bottom). The right panels shows a colour map of the detected solar features: umbra (red), penumbra (orange), faculae (yellow), and network (blue); from Ashamari et al. (2015)


Figure 4: The left panel gives the relative area of the full solar disk of network (green), faculae (red), umbra (blue), and penumbra (black). The right panel compares the fitted TSI data (red) with the VIRGO data corrected to the SI-scale (black); from Ashamari et al. (2015).

Further Reading


3) Ground-based image segmentation 

Figure 5: Top left: sample Blue Continuum PSPT image. Right: corresponding mask of features identified with SRPM. Orange: quiet sun; dark green: network; light green: enhanced network; light blue: plage; dark blue: bright plage/faculae; black: sunspot penumbra; dark red: sunspot umbra. Bottom: time dependent area coverage of the various features.











Figure 6:  Left panel: Temperature profiles in the quiet Sun subFoVs as a function of height in the formation layers of the Fe I lines. Different symbols correspond to the different datasets used, lines correspond to the different models employed for comparison. Right panel: Temperature profiles in active network regions as a function of height in the formation layers of the Fe I lines. Different symbols correspond to the different datasets used, solid lines corresponds to the models employed for comparison (see Christaldini et al., 2016)  

The following Deliverables will be provided within WP3:

D3.1) Filling factors catalogue for SOHO magnetogram and continuum images [month 8]

D3.2) Filling factors catalogue for SOHO EUV images [month 8]

D3.3) Filling factors catalogue for ground-based images [month 18]

D3.4) Filling factors catalogue for PROBA2 images [month 23]

D3.5) Filling factors catalogue for PICARD images [month 26]

D3.6) Higher level SSI products: Provision of higher level products by inter-calibrating the proxies produced inprevious tasks [month 29] 

D3.7) Compilation of segmentation maps into SOTERIA Data Archive [month 23]

